Annual Monitoring
The SSAP-RED program is operated by SES LLC consisting of the Management Board, an Advisory Committee and the Secretary to run the day to day operations. We deem the structure of the managing entity, SES LLC, to be sufficiently staffed and equipped to operate the SSAP-RED diligently and responding accurately to market and regulatory changes and requirements. We have implemented internally a clear split/definition of tasks and responsibilities, established a grievance mechanism for internal and external occurrences, and for the proper implementation of the SSAP-RED we have appointed an independent third party, a Certification Body. This is Control Union Certifications as an internationally recognized, independent Certification Body with extensive knowledge regarding voluntary schemes, both internationally as well as in the U.S. Therefore, Control Union Certification also have the capacity and knowledge in terms of personnel/auditors to perform the audits. Given Control Union is also accredited against ISO 17065 and ISO 17021 their management system is strictly supervised by regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies. That management system is also applied for the SSAP-RED program. In 2021, we did not encounter any issues with major non-compliances or serious wrongdoings.