
Responsibilities of Elevators, certified as First Gathering Points (FGP)

The SSAP-RED program will offer certification to elevators who wish to make an SSAP-RED sustainability claim. This is likely of interest for elevators exporting to the EU. These elevators will be certified as a First Gathering Point (FGP). The certified entity is also responsible for sustainability compliance of individual elevators that participate in the program. Once certified, a facility will be authorized to issue “SSAP-RED sustainability declarations” linked to soybeans as they leave the facility and enter the export stream. This declaration will be part of the export documentation and follow the consignment to the crushing facility in Europe.

Once an FGP has been identified, it can apply for the certification process with the Certification Body which will conduct a “risk assessment” to determine the extent, if any, of any land conversion within the specified “draw area” of the facility. In areas determined to have medium or high risk of land conversion, additional actions will be required to proof compliance to SSAP-RED requirements.

The Certification Body will prepare an “audit plan” for the site which will include an SSAP-RED specific audit of the operation, including farm level visits, if required. The audit plan will identify the goals of the audit, the timeline and required logistical information.

The audit concludes with a “closing meeting” with the facility’s management where they will obtain agreement on corrective actions and timeline, if required. Once the agreed to corrective actions have been made, the facility will be certified.

The certified facility will have a SSAP-RED specific document management system that tracks deliveries and shipments and enables generation of reports from participating elevators.

Responsibilities of Participating Elevators

Individual elevators that supply a certified FGP under the SSAP-RED are referred to as “participating elevators”. This means the elevator will not automatically be subject to an annual onsite assessment, as it will depend on the risk assessment of the FGP. The participating elevator will need to collect and provide the producers’ Self-Declarations to the certified FGP. Montly reports on the amounts of soybeans delivered will also be required.

Participating elevators could be elevators owned by the same company that has applied as FGP, but it could also be independent elevators, that have a supply contract with the FGP.

If and when requested, the elevator will provide access to the internal auditor of the FGP and the external auditor of the Certification Body to the facilities’ premises and administration offices to verify provided information onsite.

List of Certified Elevators